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Defence Force Tax Specialists

We Help Defence Members

Defence Tax Returns need to be prepared by specialists who understand the unique rebates available to Defence Members.

We have extensive experience with the Australian Army, Navy and Air Force across all ranks and specialities.

Your refund usually arrives within 2 weeks, depending on ATO processing times.

Our fees are competitive

and fully tax deductible.

We're happy to help with any questions you have, even after your tax return is lodged.


You can have your tax return lodged without leaving your base, ship, course or deployment.

Defence Medicare Exemption

  • If you are entitled to full medical treatment under the Australian Defence Force program you may be eligible to receive an exemption from the Medicare levy charge.

  • You may be entitled to a full or half Medicare levy exemption based on your specific circumstances.

  • Your income and family situation such as the number of dependants you have will effect your eligibility for the Medicare Levy exemption.

  • If you are not entitled to full medical treatment and your income is above certain thresholds you may be liable for the Medicare levy surcharge.

  • There are also special rules regarding the Medicare levy for members on long term postings overseas.


Barrett Tax is a trusted Defence Tax Agent. We know what to ask and what not to ask.

Zone Rebates & Overseas Forces Offsets

  • If you live in a specifically identified remote area of Australia, you may be eligible to receive a tax benefit known as a Zone Offset.

  • Members serving more than 183 days in specified overseas localities may also be entitled to a tax rebate.

  • When serving in these localities for less than 183 days a portion of the rebate can still be claimed.

  • Defence members can also be granted a tax exemption for income earned while posted overseas.

  • Part time members of the Army Reserves are exempt from income tax but there may be other taxes that apply such as fringe benefits tax.


Our clients range from recruits to senior defence members with investment properties and managed funds.

Uniforms, Meals and Travel

  • You can claim the cost of purchasing, renting, cleaning and repairing Australian Defence uniforms and protective equipment.

  • The costs of doing laundry for your uniform can also be claimed with no written records required for claims up to $150.

  • You may claim the cost of travel (including any parking, tolls, taxis and public transport), if you are travelling to or from military bases, attending meetings, seminars, conferences, or training that is not being held at your usual place of work.

  • If you are required to stay away from home overnight for the purposes listed above, you may be eligible for a tax claim for the cost of accommodation and any meals consumed.

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